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Morning Katonah quickies / Online Personal rituals (1)

ma 25. tammik.



9 päivän ajan yhteinen aamuharjoitus aloittamaan vuoden viimeisen kuukauden.

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Morning Katonah quickies / Online Personal rituals (1)
Morning Katonah quickies / Online Personal rituals (1)

Time & Location

25. tammik. 2021 klo 7.00 – 11.00


About the event

Vuoden viimeinen kuukausi, henkilökohtaisen ja voimaannuttavan rituaalin luominen.

Aamun aloitus lyhyen teorian, asanan ja pranayaman (hengitysharjoitusten) muodossa.

Aiempaa kokemusta joogasta (missään muodossa) et tarvitse.

Joogan ollessa niin informatiivista että siitä tulee transformatiivista voimme siirtää harjoituksen matolta maailmaan ja vaikuttaa kokonaisvaltaisesti omaan hyvinvointiimme.

Harjoitukset toteutetaan ZOOMin välityksellä ja mukaan voi liittyä suoraan yöunilta.

Osallistuthan mukaan tositarkoituksella sillä paikkoja on rajoitetusti!

INSIGHT 30.11 klo 7-7.30

GOALSETTING 1.12 klo 7-7.30

POTENTIAL 2.12 7-7.30

VISION 3.12 7-7.30


RISK TO SUBSTANTIATE 5.12 klo 9-9.30

REFLECTION 6.12 klo 9-9.30

GROWTH 7.12 klo 7-7.30

ACHIEVEMENT 8.12 klo 7-7.30


This online course include 4 hours bankable towards Katonah Yoga® certification.

"To be well adjusted, one must consciously integrate all three floors of the body. Each floor expresses different parts of the whole, while housing unique information, functions, and efficiencies. The first floor, our lower body, substantiates us, housing our first nature, our ancestry, our stability, our grounding. The second floor, our upper body, potentiates us, housing our second nature, our capacity, our competence, our participation. The third floor, our head, liberates us, housing our vision, our imagination, our antenna, giving us the ability to see all the way around ourselves.

In Katonah Yoga, asana is seen as metaphor. For example how you move through a forward bend reflects how you move forward in daily life. The goal of this practice is a healthy body and greater consciousness, using poses to explore and free up your body, mind, and life. Develop your depths for stability and increase your capasity to participate in the world.

Katonah Yoga teaches you to work smarter, not harder. In fact, muscles aren’t mentioned. For example, when a teacher in another style might ask you to engage your core in Plank, a Katonah teacher would instead ask you to move your bones and organs in two directions at once (heels backward and lungs forward). In this style, stability is created through the alignment and angles of the bones and joints. Think of a building, its strength comes from its structure (or bones) not from the cement (which Katonah compares to muscle). And according to Chinese Medicine energy moves through organs, bones, and joints, as opposed to muscles, which are too dense. So a well-aligned Katonah pose allows energy currents to move through you, making asana feel effortless. Katonah also teaches that when you use your bones as a boundary, you can only go so far, making you less likely to injure yourself, overstretch, or overtwist."

Some feedback about the previous online course:

"Thank you so much! This feels so right and wrong at the same time! haha! I have had lower back issues always and it's my weak point and now finally you gave me an answer of it! Thank you so much! "

"Elisa I cant think of another teacher who makes me laugh (a lot), swear (prkl - surfing) and almost cry in the same practice. Loved it. Many things will make a lot more sense after these 9 days, I can tell."

About Elisa:

Elisa is a multifaceted yoga teacher, who runs Pranama Kallio, a “pay what you can” yoga studio in Helsinki.

She is Finland’s first certified Katonah yoga® teacher, as well as a pioneer in SUP and Aerial yoga. In her teaching she varies and analyzes asana, as well as assists and challenges her students to reach more open, strong and advanced poses.

Different kinds of props and their creative use in practice play a big role in both her private and open classes. Elisa wants to enable her students to find tools to facilitate their well-being and to transfer the benefits and insights from their practice to everyday life.

Few testimonials:

"A feedback after your workshop at Tigre Yoga Academie.

I loved A LOT these 4 days with you. It was as intense and complete and intriguing as I’d like a training to be! 

You dosed perfectly the physical practice parts and the “theory” one. It was always clear, concise and easily potentially applicable in to our student/teacher life. 

Your way of sharing is very “warm”, kind, open and when you teach we feel your experience and  deep understanding of what you communicate, it’s even more captivating. You give desire to go further, to learn more and more.

Thank you so much and I hope to have another possibility to practice/learn/train with you. 💗😇"

"A huge thank you again for sharing so generously your teachings with us last week end!

I learned so much! I found your approach was very complementary with Dages week end which is awesome.

I loved every hour of our 4 days but my very favorite part was the restorative/yin practice with the glands system and of course I was fascinated by the body mapping! It made me want to study more on the alchemy of the body and to practice body observation way more.

We learned so much and at the same time you shared your knowledge in a very accessible way. You made me want to teach more in a "therapeutic way". What you shared about your private and how you "choose" them was very inspiring."

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